Creatively led by artist Alexander Porter, the film contains animation-like sequences filmed in virtual reality worlds. Creatively misusing photogrammetry, a technique which creates 3D models from images, the worlds were created from the documentary footage.
Collaborating with Hannah Jayanti, Elliott Mitchell and Claire Hentschker, they extracted individual frames from the footage. This allowed them to create 3D models of places in the film such as Yvonne’s trailer, George’s museum, Philip’s trailer park, the spaceport. They placed these 3D models into a video game engine and built a custom recording software. The sequences in the film are first person recordings of them walking around this strange and familiar world in virtual reality.
Filming in VR created a human presence with handheld camera movements that echo the documentary footage. Because of the creative misusing of photogrammetry, the models are intentionally incomplete with artifacts that echo the experience of remembering. They feel as though a future archeologist (the filmmaker? the audience?) is trying to piece together that which came and went.